Living the Military Wife Life

Hey everyone! It’s been almost 5 months since I made the biggest move in my life from California to South Carolina. I never in a million years would have guessed that anyone would be able to take me outta my beloved San Diego, much less across America to the Low Country! I truly did notContinueContinue reading “Living the Military Wife Life”

Big Year for Big Moves

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful end to 2019 and a fantastic start to 2020 thus far. I know I sure did! How could I complain, I’ve been able to spend Christmas, New Years and a few days thereafter with my husband. Life is not to shabby! It almost feelsContinueContinue reading “Big Year for Big Moves”

Life After the Big Day

Hi Everyone!  Happy November! Can you believe we are already in the same month as Thanksgiving? I sure can’t. I am sure you are all wondering what life has looked like for Patrick and I now that the wedding is over. Some of you assume I moved off to South Carolina because you saw PatrickContinueContinue reading “Life After the Big Day”

4 Months Until I Do!

Happy Tuesday loves! It’s been a hot minute since I have last been on here and I promise the posts will come back soon. Until then, I wanted to share some updates on how wedding planning is coming along!  So we are only 4 months away! **HAS MINI HEART ATTACK** If there is any adviceContinueContinue reading “4 Months Until I Do!”

How I Asked My Bridesmaids

Hi Babes!!! So good to finally get back to writing for this blog! I was finally able to ask all of my beautiful bridesmaids to be apart of my bridal party. This was the most exciting little surprise I got to put together for my bride tribe!  I wanted to share with you all howContinueContinue reading “How I Asked My Bridesmaids”

Birthday Celebrations!

Happy (Almost) Halloween friends!!! This past weekend I celebrated my 23rd birthday out in Texas with some of my Texas friends and my dad. Not only did I get to celebrate my birthday, but Patrick and I celebrated our four year anniversary, and we finally got the celebrate him getting his wings of gold! WhatContinueContinue reading “Birthday Celebrations!”

How We’ve Overcome Distance

Hey friends! I know many of you have been asking how my fiance and I have been able to “do the distance.” Well, I’m here to share with you all of our tips on how to make it work! Let’s rewind about three years when Patrick left to fulfill his dreams as a Marine PilotContinueContinue reading “How We’ve Overcome Distance”

The Engagement​ Story

  As some of you may have already known, I recently got engaged to the love of my life and I am still on cloud nine!  We could not be happier to begin planning our lives together as one, as we are getting closer and closer to the end of this long distance relationship, YAY!ContinueContinue reading “The Engagement​ Story”