New Year, New Goals, New Last Name!


Happy New Year’s everyone! I know it’s been a while since I have posted anything, but I am back and ready to share so many exciting things to come in 2019! I really can’t complain much about 2018 because it was honestly one of the best years of my life thus far. I got engaged, graduated from my dream school, started this blog, got a new job that I really enjoy, and met so many new people throughout it all! With all that being said, I am so excited for 2019 because I get to marry my best friend!

First off, holy moly, I am getting married this year! I just cannot wrap my head around how fast the years have flown by! I have so much still to do and to plan but I will be sharing everything with you all along the way. With the holidays and Patrick in town I have been running around by the edge of my seat. As fun as Christmas and New Years were, I am so excited to jump into 2019 with both feet forward and make the most of these last few months of spending weekends with my close friends and family before my life changes and I gain a husband!


Okay, Okay so you get it, I am so excited to get married. Well, I really wanted to hop on here to say I’m not really one to stick to new years resolutions. I always make one, but by the end of January, let me tell you, I’ve completely lost sight of those resolutions. Does this happen to anyone else?? So, I decided to break it all up into making small short term goals. Like paying off all my debt.. lets face it, my student loan payment just made an appearance saying, “first payment DUE!” Excuse me while I go cry… So rather than making a goal to pay everything off, I wanted to make a goal to spend less each week and put that toward paying things off. Sorry GNO, that extra glass of wine at dinner is getting cut!

Did someone say wedding bod?! Yikes, theres a goal along with the rest of

the world, the fitness goals. Always lost by the spring. Well, fitting a dress you sized down on is great motivation! But rather than, “I’m going to get in shape,” I am going with the alternative to cut the sugars and just start doing some form of exercise to start out. If you are anything like me, It is all about the small goals to get to the bigger goals. Anyways, if you are already loosing sight of your 2019 resolutions, try to break it down like I have! I hope this helps and lets make it a great year!

Thanks for following along! Follow me @carolinelopresti for more posts!

Links to my outfit details: Sparkle Dress, Over the Knee Boots


One thought on “New Year, New Goals, New Last Name!

  1. Congratulations Caroline. I am happy to hear that you are getting married. Marriage is a beautiful thing. It is funny that many people in this day and age usually opt not to get married, they usually would say that ” a piece of paper would not change anything”. However, marriage is more than a piece of paper, it is a commitment to God, to man, and to ourselves. Congratulations on making this decision. Marriage comes with its own challenges and wins as well. It is a mix of many emotions. This is a solid time to build a relationship with God, if you do not already have one. if you already have one, this is the time to work on making it even stronger. God has the power to truly bless your union, so that it would bring forth beautiful rewards and memories. God has the power to give you the strength to carry on at times when you want to give up. God is awesome. Prayers to God and faith in him are useful ways to invite his presence.

    If you want to know about God in more detail, you can find further information here And Here

    Congratulations sister, may God’s blessings be with you, Amen. ❤ ❤ ❤


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