Shop Small This Season

It’s that time of the year again! Time for turkey, family and oh that’s right SHOPPING! Whether you are guilty of it or not, I am 100% a sucker for buying gifts for loved ones and for myself…So, whatever it is you are shopping for this year, I want to encourage you to shop outsideContinueContinue reading “Shop Small This Season”

Girls Weekend to St. Simons Island

Another weekend trip thanks to my husband, pilot Patrick! This weekend some girlfriends and I hoped on a private plane and zoomed down to St. Simons Island for the day. I’m serious when I say get yourself a husband, or a good friend, who is a pilot! It makes for very convenient travels. I justContinueContinue reading “Girls Weekend to St. Simons Island”

Living the Military Wife Life

Hey everyone! It’s been almost 5 months since I made the biggest move in my life from California to South Carolina. I never in a million years would have guessed that anyone would be able to take me outta my beloved San Diego, much less across America to the Low Country! I truly did notContinueContinue reading “Living the Military Wife Life”

Quarantine Style Dates

Hey Ya’ll! Welcome to another week of quarantine, social distancing, and self isolation! It is the craziest of times in our world so I wanted to share some tips to help keep you entertained while stuck at home with your significant other. Since it has been about a month, maybe even longer of no longerContinueContinue reading “Quarantine Style Dates”

Life in the Low Country

Happy Friday Friends! I know it has once again been a while since I have last posted on here to share anything, so I do apologize! But life is just so busy, and there comes a time when you have the option to hide in your room and blog vs spend time with your family.ContinueContinue reading “Life in the Low Country”

Big Year for Big Moves

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful end to 2019 and a fantastic start to 2020 thus far. I know I sure did! How could I complain, I’ve been able to spend Christmas, New Years and a few days thereafter with my husband. Life is not to shabby! It almost feelsContinueContinue reading “Big Year for Big Moves”

Life After the Big Day

Hi Everyone!  Happy November! Can you believe we are already in the same month as Thanksgiving? I sure can’t. I am sure you are all wondering what life has looked like for Patrick and I now that the wedding is over. Some of you assume I moved off to South Carolina because you saw PatrickContinueContinue reading “Life After the Big Day”

Our Wedding Video

It’s finally here! The moment you’ve been waiting for. Our full wedding video! I just want to say thank you again to everyone who made our wedding day so very special for us and a huge thank you to @yourstrulymedia for doing such an incredible job on our video and capturing all of the momentsContinueContinue reading “Our Wedding Video”