Life in the Low Country

Happy Friday Friends! I know it has once again been a while since I have last posted on here to share anything, so I do apologize! But life is just so busy, and there comes a time when you have the option to hide in your room and blog vs spend time with your family.ContinueContinue reading “Life in the Low Country”

4 Months Until I Do!

Happy Tuesday loves! It’s been a hot minute since I have last been on here and I promise the posts will come back soon. Until then, I wanted to share some updates on how wedding planning is coming along!  So we are only 4 months away! **HAS MINI HEART ATTACK** If there is any adviceContinueContinue reading “4 Months Until I Do!”

Keeping it Real

Hey friends! I’ve been posting more on the gram than on here because lets face it, its easier to snap a photo, edit, caption and post then coming up with a full blog post to edit, plan out a location, time, and outfit to get the perfect photos to go along with you post. IContinueContinue reading “Keeping it Real”